


Sorry but let me write only Japanese in the future. I want to upload more frequently. English disturb me more information. If you follow my upload, please use automatic translator. Thank you!!





これまで「日本語と英語で書かなければ!」と思っていたこと、それから「皆さんにもっと有益な情報を提供しないと!」と思っていたことであまり執筆に力が入らなかったわけですが、もう英語で書くのをやめました!(笑 だって思ったことを気軽にかけなくなっちゃうから。












Good evening. This column is Japanese only this time. Sorry about it.

Texcare Aisaに参加するために中国は上海に行ってきました。しかし、今回は展示会が二つ重なっており、中国洗染協会(日本で言う全ク連のようなものです)というところが主催している展示会が9月26日から北京で開かれていました。私が参加したのはTexcare Asiaという2年に一度の中国で開催される国際展示会です。本当に馬鹿げた話なのですが、元々洗染協会が主催する展示会が26日から開かれるのは決まっていたのにTexcareが大人げなくわざと時期を重ねて開催したのです。おかげでこちらは両方とも出展しなければならなくなり、費用は倍、当てる人数も倍、出展する機械も倍、ということで何でもコストが倍になってしまう、という本当に不満が募る展示会だったのです。これで来場者が両方とも倍になれば良いのですが、肝心の人数は半分というわけですからホントにお粗末な話です。








ウェットクリーニングで更なるビジネスを!その2   More business with Wet Cleaning Vol.2


Hi how are you?


In last blog, I wrote about challenge of wet cleaning solution to increase trust level higher to customers. This time, I would like to introduce some solutions how to do wet cleaning process safely and effectively.


In the background, prevention of the shrinkage of the garment is to remove one of 3 factors, which are “Water” “Heat” and “MA (Mechanical Action)”, especially MA is probably easiest to do with effectively, because we cannot remove water, it is wet cleaning. Also, we need some heat to increase detergency. Of course, detergent likes heat to wash better. So, MA is the best factor to secure the safety. It is less detergency, but much high risk for shrinkage. In fact, there are some interesting items to reduce MA value.


First of all, this is special mattress by Oritani. As you see the pictures, they can fold jacket and trouser with this mattress and throw into the dram. Good thing is that you can extract very strong, because it is folded with mattress, no mechanical action.  Negative point is not to accept many garments at once due to mattress is pretty big.


There is similar solution, it is called “Magic Spin”. It is developed by Mr. Okazaki from Fuji Dry Cleaners. This is also interesting. It is installed in the drum with screws and put two pieces suits in cartridge. This is more MA than mattress, but it is more washing image than it. Good point and bad point are similar with mattress.



Microbubble Washer Extractor by TOSEI is probably the best washer extractor in the world about the safety of shrinkage. The bubble prevent garment from shrinkage. Also, we don’t need to prepare anything such as mattress or Magic Spin, so they can wash more garments at once. But negative point is the price of the machine. It cost $30K, pretty expensive!! But if you have few hundred garments for wet cleaning everyday, this is really helpful!!


There is DS-300J by Sankosha, this is stationery dryer. This is really effective to Jacket. Trouser might be OK with tumble dryer, but jacket should be careful due to losing form. If you take this machine with pre forming process by form finisher with 2~3 minutes in advance, you can finish very quick such as 15~20 minutes. You can use for same day service.


Regarding detergent, there are several solutions from Nicca Chemicals and others. Also, many detergents are available in Europe. May I remind you that my introduction is just one of the solutions and there are so many different ways. Why don’t you check with others and eventually start to take more wet cleaning service? This is good for your customers and your business.

ウェットクリーニングで更なるビジネスを! More business with Wet Cleaning!!


Good afternoon.


Let me introduce about Wet Cleaning. Because Japan started new care label mark W from last December, but most of all people don’t recognize it yet. This is the reality on the moment.


I searched why it didn’t get popular, and what I learned was that most of all drycleaners didn’t want to take wet cleaning business due to “too much process against the profit”. But basically, professional job is to clean perfectly to receive money from customers. But all drycleaning cannot remove water soluble dirt such as sweat and something from human body. If they can clean even water soluble dirt without wet cleaning, I don’t mind at all. But most of all don’t remove, and furthermore they never disclose what they didn’t do. I don’t think they are professional. It is really big excuse because “it is more process and cannot make profit”. That’s why people tend not to use cleaning service recently.


How about overseas? I saw some popular areas such as Eastern Canada including Toronto, most of all areas in France, and California State in USA. But all areas were started due to strong regulation especially the usage of perk by local governments. It is not positive change, most of all cleaners needed to do. But they needed to live with the industry, so it was good opportunity for manufacturers to create new business with the situation. In Europe, it was really powerful with chemical companies, so ISO standard came from chemical improvement only, they still insist to use tumble dryer even if there is heavy mechanical action. I don’t think it is good idea. To reduce Mechanical Action Value is the key to do wet cleaning safely, but ISO never accept without tumble dryer…

確かこのブログで一番最初に書いたのはカナダのTSC Wetclean Centerだったと思います。彼のところは数少ない100%ウェットクリーニングのお店ですが、当日サービスも問題なく出来ているとても珍しいところです。欧米のような条件でもウェットクリーニングがドライクリーニングのように出来る可能性はあるわけですから世界のクリーニング店さんたちも是非ウェットクリーニングへの調整はしてもらいたいな、と心から思います。


But there are some successful cleaners with 100% wet cleaning business. I introduced TSC Wetclean Center in Toronto, I probably did in my very first blog. He is pretty successful with operation based on ISO. Of course, he has many experiences of unsuccessful cleaning in some garments, but his good point was not to give up!! This is great mentality and I do hope most of all people will think about Wet Cleaning business.

Let me show you some unique ideas for safer operation!!

ひまわり市場の成功の秘訣を垣間見ました! What a great business model “Himawari Grocery Store”!


Good afternoon.


As I informed on my Facebook page, I went to “Himawari Grocery Store” in last week. Their location is Yatsugatake area, I am going there quite often, but I didn’t know the store at all. In fac, I went to see Mr. Nawa who was president of the store and was excited so much!!


When I arrived at the store, it was really bad location. They didn’t locate along very popular street…, no wonder why I didn’t know this store. Why does it get so popular?



It was August 8th Thursday when I visited there. It was very normal day, but I saw so many customers in the store. First of all, I felt really comfortable with their layout. I can see most of all corners from entrance. Also, there are so many Today’s specials in center.

Also, their Deli and Sushi looked really delicious. Obviously, the freshness of the products were so different from other stores. Regarding Sushi, the cooker were making from the morning continuously. They are selling immediately.


  • 「試してみようかな?」と思ってしまう情報があること
  • 何がおいしいのか?ではなくて「誰が作っているのか?誰が提供しているのか?」が重要
  • そして食してみたらやはり「おいしい!」と思う食材


There is the strategy of Mr. Nawa why they are selling so much.

  1. They provide information that people start to think “I should try!!”
  2. It is more important “Who is producing? Who is supplying?” than “What is delicious? ”
  3. Eventually, their products are really tasty when they eat.

I thought great!! They are very famous in TV, because they focused Mr. Nawa’s promotion by microphone and pop on each product. His performance is really unique, you had better go and see his. I am happy to help your visit if you want to come. (lol



I thought No.2 of his key factors was really big. Mr. Nawa respects employees and subcontractors so much and makes them very popular persons in his store. For example, there is Mr. Ishii who is the representative for fish market. Mr. Nawa calls him “Teppen Ishii”. Teppen is meaning “No.1”. He is calling him “No.1 expert in the store!”, it is his nick name. Mr. Nawa announced “Today’s mackerel is really good, because Teppen Ishii certifired…”, then many customers thought “OK, I take it, because Teppen Ishii said it was good!!” Eventually, mackerel were sold out. Have you ever seen the store? I haven’t. There are so many representatives at other sections. I met Mr. Hiraide who was wine specialist. He was working at Japanese winery for long time and he had enough knowledge. Mr. Nawa called him “Hiraide, World Class”. Everybody was laughing, so did I!! But I asked him about wine, and I bought his selections.


Thus, foods and stuffs in the store must be good. This is bottom line, otherwise customers never use the store again. But it is very important to let customers “I may try this food because it seems to be good”. How to do? Their answer is “to create specialist and use them”. Mr. Nawa creates his staffs store stars. Really psychological!! He is awesome!!


This is the announcement. We will host Sankosha show with PTB Project on December 1st and 2nd at Sankosha HQ showroom. We are pleased to inform that Mr. Nawa from Himawari Grocery Store will come to speak out his business philosophy. I am sure that so many people struggle how to show their value. This is the great opportunity to listen to his idea. We will give you more updates once we decide more details. Must be fun!!

コロラド州の顧客訪問で感じた事 What I felt in visiting customer in CO?


Good afternoon.

先々週、アメリカに行ってきたのですが、コロラド州デンバーにてDependable Cleanersをお邪魔してきました。コロラド州デンバーという街は標高が1600mもある都市でとても湿気のないのが良いです。近くにボルダーという町があって日本のマラソン選手が高地トレーニングとしてよく利用しているのは有名な話ですね。

As you know, I went to USA in two weeks ago, then I visited Dependable Cleaners in Denver. Colorado is very famous city with high altitude. It is about a mile high. In Japan, Colorado is very famous training location for Marathon runner.


Dependable Cleaners is the most successful cleaners in Denver. They have 26 shops and 17 shops with direct operations. According to owner, they make very high profit from the operation. Unfortunately, I cannot disclose the number, but I’m sure that everybody will get surprised about their sales amount and profit ratio. Why can they make so much?

ここの社長であるSteven Toltzさんは常にマーケティングを考えています。実際に何を考えるのか?といえば「ロゴ」「包装」「利便性」です。ここ最近お話ししている事ですが、ロゴへの投資はとても大切です。このお店もボタンのマークをいろいろなところにちりばめております。ドライ機にまでデザインしているのはすごいですね。商品にも同様のデザインをしています。納入業者の都合で現在はフルカラーの材料が用意できないので単色になっていましたが、通常はフルカラーの材料を使ってお店のイメージに合わせておりました。

Mr. Steven Toltz who is owner of Dependable Cleaners always think about marketing. What he thinks are “Company Logo” “Wrapping” and “Convenience”. As I told you recently, the investment to Logo is very important. Their trade mark is “buttons”, and they decorate everywhere. I enjoyed seeing their logo at Dry Cleaning machine. They use same logo for the wrapping, unfortunately I saw single color wrapping material due to supplier’s problem, but they are usually using full color material to match with the shop.


He is thinking to improve more drive thru style shop for customer’s further convenience. In this shop, they are two lanes and divide between first timer and frequent user. In normal cleaners, customer gets off their car, grabs garments, and go into the shop, but if it is rainy, they must get wet. If they have handful garments, it is very hard to get in the shop. But this drive thru style allows shop receptionist to approach to customer’s car, so they don’t have to get off. On the other hand, there are few counters in shop as well. Some customers who want to talk to shop receptionist about their request can go to shop. Thus, this shop can give any type of customers better impression due to their choice of check in. This makes really sense!!


Dependable keeps increasing about 5% every year in about 14 years. But they didn’t increase shirt in last year, then they lost the sales…, which is very interesting. Steven said he will do this year!! He said “Why don’t you increase the price even if they general price is increasing? If you don’t do at all, you will choke up! If you see yourself choked up, you shouldn’t do such business!!” Wao, he is very strong. But this made sense. Why don’t you reconsider about your pricing like him? (lol

ミシガン州のクリーニング店で学んだ事 I learned how to make more business in Michigan


Good afternoon.


I am coming to America. Yesterday. I went to Detroit, where is about 1 hour from Chicago by plane. The reason why I visited was to negotiate about new business to us. Unfortunately, I cannot disclose on the moment, but I hope to do in near future.


I reconfirmed the importance of marketing when I visited them. Actually, the thing is happening in your markets, which is that customers never know how we are cleaning professionally. But is it important for customers to know it? I don’t think so. But they always seek “Who will clean the garment very well?” This is their first priority and we must make more effort to let them think so.


Now, what kind of activity should we take to customers? President of the company I visited mentioned “We will know what to do naturally if we seek the image that customers feel our shop will clean their garments well” For example, please think about the image that “Sankosha is just making and supplying products” and “Sankosha is trying to contribute customers more business with their products and services” Which do you like? Of course, I like later image.


Basically, people tend to spend more money willingly to something good to them. But they never know the actual quality if they don’t use it. So, how do you let customers try our service? This is marketing, I think. But unfortunately, so many management people in dry cleaning business don’t invest their power including money to marketing. If they know and improve their marketing, they can make more business…, very sorry…


As long as I see cleaner’s operation, I don’t see any problem. Most of all cleaners are doing really good job!! But you should reconsider why customers never feel your value. In my last column, I introduced Japanese grocery store, and this is exactly same story. You design your company logo, and you do your products. It is basic process. Customers will imagine your quality higher because of your design to shop and products, finally you can show your quality to them. They can listen to your quality, otherwise they never get interested in your quality.


I learned that the profitable company always spend big power to marketing. Why don’t you reconsider about your marketing to increase your value? I hope you will find some idea. Of course, I will do, too!! (lol

テレビを見て驚いたブランディング Great branding when I watched TV


Good afternoon.


Today, I would like to talk about other industry, not dry cleaning business. Last Sunday 9th, Channel 6 broadcasted about a grocery store in Nagano, where is very very local town called “Himawari Ichiba”, translated “Sunflower Market”. Their strong point is to make very unique signage. Most of all visitors read with smile and buy their stuffs, very interesting store.


ちなみにこのYou Tubeは私が見ていたものではありませんが、とても似ています。是非ご覧になってください。

These signage are made by president of this store. His name is Mr. Nawa, and his insight about promotion is great! He is not only making signage by himself but also speaking with microphone to all visitors without any article. This is something special!! I think we dry cleaners should learn about it!! I was so curious and watched all.

This You Tube was not what I saw, but it was similar, please visit this site as follows.



  • 食べて間違いなく「おいしい!」と感じる食材
  • 那波社長がこれを「おいしいよ!」と言うのだから試してみようと感じること
  • ひまわり市場がそもそも出しているものは「おいしい!」と確信していること


If you see this video, you will understand the strong points, but basically what they have are great employees and foods with first quality. That’s why they are popular. Their special employees make great delis and they are really tasty!! By the way, don’t you feel their price pretty expensive? For example, there is fried cake of minced meat. They charge $4.00 per piece in Nagano Prefecture, this is normally very expensive!! But they sold out immediately. Why?

  1. This is absolutely “Tasty!!” if you eat.
  2. Nawa announced “Tasty!!” and visitors believed his statement and try.
  3. Most of all visitors originally trusted this grocery store with great quality.

These are the key factors to brand their store.


In our industry, how many dry cleaners can brand well like this grocery store? Unfortunately, not many… Cleaning business is basically local business, so their business model is great benchmark, and we must be famous in the area. To become famous, we must have the great quality, the people who make it, and eventually great promotion. If you cover everything, you will be successful. Actually, this store already taught us.


To send your value to customer is probably “Passion” not “How to do”… Even if you learn how to do and just do it, you won’t be good. In fact, I have opportunities to visit their locations, so I will definitely visit and see their operation.


香港のランドリー工場で感じたこと What I felt in laundry factory in Hong Kong




I went to Hong Kong about a week ago. I had many reasons to visit there, but one of the biggest reason was to visit Vogue Laundry. This is magnificent size, they have 4 units of Milnor CBW. I guess it is the biggest size in East Asia including Japan. In fact, they take care of 100t per day, what a size!! But I saw their factory and felt really different between flat work and garment work.


The big laundry factories want to wash big volume flats at once. For example, bed sheet is big item, so it is not effective with small washer and extractor, that’s why they need to use CBW. As it is called “Laundry Factory”, their main items are laundry items not dry cleaning items. On the other hand, garment cleaning is various, we must distinguish between dry cleaning and laundry due to types of fabrics and garment. But the general sales share in such big laundry factory is 80% to 85% with flat works, which is a lot!! And 10% and 15% with garment only.


Most of all factory managers pay big attention to manage flat works only, this is the reality. But I am working for garment cleaning, so I have different eye. They tend to take the most reliable machines and solution to take care of items for productivity and quality, but it doesn’t work with big washer extractor. For example, 50kg washer extractor bring more mechanical action value and never be good with garment. Also, garment cleaning needs more man power compared with flat works, it is difficult section to do automatically.


Thus, the key factor of garment cleaning is “knowhow of workers”. Even if you choose best equipment and chemicals, they will be used by people. If they don’t realize how to increase quality and productivity with those equipment and chemicals, they won’t make money with garment cleaning.


My opinion in laundry factory is to distinguish manager of garment cleaning and flat works. If they mix these sections, they won’t make money. By the way, do you realize how to make quality and productivity? I hope you will reconsider your own quality and productivity. Anyway, factory must be profit center!!




Good afternoon. Sorry but it was long time since my last upload. The reason why I couldn’t do was that my PC was broken, and it took really long time to recover. I felt really inconvenient when I couldn’t use PC!!

In my last second column, it was changing to Sankosha style shirt finisher in the general world, so let me tell you actual different points in this time.


First of all, the biggest difference is that there is sleeve press or not. In Japanese market, many cleaners use 3 pieces models (Fuji Style), because there are some very fortunate conditions in Japan. One of the condition is “Japanese have similar body shape each other”. In Europe and America, there are different people between higher and lower, and fatter and thinner. But we don’t have such difference each other.


In this condition, sleeve press was the biggest problem in the operation, because the machine couldn’t cover not only very thick sleeve but also very thin sleeve. Recent models made by YAC and us are improving and much better quality, but still some problems are remaining. Therefore, most of all shirts were touched up unfortunately.


Then, Sankosha style came to the market, when was 1988. Sankosha style introduced not to press sleeve but to blow it, and it was pressed only tucks. Actually, this made sense to them, because they didn’t care about the size of shirt anymore, so they lost the ratio of touch up. Of course, it is very important to control washing program, especially washing temperature. It is NOT possible to get better quality with only switching machines.


There is a problem to Sankosha style, too. It is to blow hot air and steam. This made factory very hot, which was not happy to operators. Especially in summer, it made factory circumstance worst!! In this point, Sankosha style was not really appreciated to factory.


But most of all American cleaners changed to Sankosha style Why do you think they changed even if it was not really appreciated? Because it is “great profitability per hour per person”. This is the great factor for company owners to take. Yes, it makes profit!! We still have great pressers in Japan, but it is getting really hard for American to keep such employees today. As a result of it, Sankosha style was really familier with many cleaners as “the machine which can produce same quality with any people”. It was the story of 90’s.


What is actually different? It is whether one operator to complete or two or more people to complete. Single Buck is such perfect machine to complete by one operator, but Fuji style needs more than 2 operators with very skillful, otherwise they cannot produce more than 100 pieces with 2 persons and 150 pieces with 3 person, this is common sense in the market. Also, if they don’t use machine well, there are some quality problem and will need touch up, this is another point to reduce productivity. Sankosha style covered all points, that’s why they wanted our solution.


It is getting difficult to make profit with volume operation in Japan. Also, their profit ratio is extremely low compared with American cleaners. If Japanese government encourage more “cool biz” project and less dress code by Japanese large companies, they won’t be able to collect volume anymore. I do suggest you to create more profitable factory in case of getting more difficult for sales with volume.