Good afternoon.
As I informed on my Facebook page, I went to “Himawari Grocery Store” in last week. Their location is Yatsugatake area, I am going there quite often, but I didn’t know the store at all. In fac, I went to see Mr. Nawa who was president of the store and was excited so much!!
When I arrived at the store, it was really bad location. They didn’t locate along very popular street…, no wonder why I didn’t know this store. Why does it get so popular?
It was August 8th Thursday when I visited there. It was very normal day, but I saw so many customers in the store. First of all, I felt really comfortable with their layout. I can see most of all corners from entrance. Also, there are so many Today’s specials in center.
Also, their Deli and Sushi looked really delicious. Obviously, the freshness of the products were so different from other stores. Regarding Sushi, the cooker were making from the morning continuously. They are selling immediately.
- 「試してみようかな?」と思ってしまう情報があること
- 何がおいしいのか?ではなくて「誰が作っているのか?誰が提供しているのか?」が重要
- そして食してみたらやはり「おいしい!」と思う食材
There is the strategy of Mr. Nawa why they are selling so much.
- They provide information that people start to think “I should try!!”
- It is more important “Who is producing? Who is supplying?” than “What is delicious? ”
- Eventually, their products are really tasty when they eat.
I thought great!! They are very famous in TV, because they focused Mr. Nawa’s promotion by microphone and pop on each product. His performance is really unique, you had better go and see his. I am happy to help your visit if you want to come. (lol
I thought No.2 of his key factors was really big. Mr. Nawa respects employees and subcontractors so much and makes them very popular persons in his store. For example, there is Mr. Ishii who is the representative for fish market. Mr. Nawa calls him “Teppen Ishii”. Teppen is meaning “No.1”. He is calling him “No.1 expert in the store!”, it is his nick name. Mr. Nawa announced “Today’s mackerel is really good, because Teppen Ishii certifired…”, then many customers thought “OK, I take it, because Teppen Ishii said it was good!!” Eventually, mackerel were sold out. Have you ever seen the store? I haven’t. There are so many representatives at other sections. I met Mr. Hiraide who was wine specialist. He was working at Japanese winery for long time and he had enough knowledge. Mr. Nawa called him “Hiraide, World Class”. Everybody was laughing, so did I!! But I asked him about wine, and I bought his selections.
Thus, foods and stuffs in the store must be good. This is bottom line, otherwise customers never use the store again. But it is very important to let customers “I may try this food because it seems to be good”. How to do? Their answer is “to create specialist and use them”. Mr. Nawa creates his staffs store stars. Really psychological!! He is awesome!!
This is the announcement. We will host Sankosha show with PTB Project on December 1st and 2nd at Sankosha HQ showroom. We are pleased to inform that Mr. Nawa from Himawari Grocery Store will come to speak out his business philosophy. I am sure that so many people struggle how to show their value. This is the great opportunity to listen to his idea. We will give you more updates once we decide more details. Must be fun!!