Hello, how are you?
In my second previous column, I wrote about the difference of profitability between America and Japan, and finally I suggested to cleaners about more expression of their having technology instead of less expensive. In fact, it is not easy to do even if everyone is thinking so…, that’s why we had better think cost reduction by factory operation. “How much can we reduce the cost of factory?” It is the key factor to make more profit.
Shirt is absolutely the most important garment in cleaners. I didn’t bring this topic because we Sankosha is manufacturer of shirt finishing equipment. The reason why people always pay attention is not to charge higher, but cost more than dry cleaning process. If you can reduce the cost of shirt process, you will make more profit. Normally, I don’t explain about my machine so much…, but let me explain with this time and next time.
世界のワイシャツプレス機は完全に三幸社が作ったシングルボディやダブルボディ、いわゆる三幸社型が世界のスタンダードになりました。日本にはワイエイシイが作っているフジ型3点セットがありますね。アメリカでもおおよそ20年前まではProsperity、Ajax、Unipress, Hoffmanなどそうそうたるメーカーがカラーカフス、スリーブプレス機、ボディプレス機という3点セットを作っておりましたし、富士車両はもともとアメリカの当時の技術からスタートしていたわけです。では何故三幸社型が現在の世界のスタンダードになったのか?というと「人時生産性が高い」からです。人時生産性が高ければワイシャツにかかる人件費は安くなります。ちなみにクリーニング工場では人件費が一番高いのです。多くの人々はエネルギー代などを気にしますが、人件費の削減は他のどのコストよりも大きなものです。コストが安くなれば利益が上がるのは当たり前の話ですね。しかしアメリカやヨーロッパのクリーニング事情はとても厳しく、現在も衰退し続けています。アメリカは高級層を中心にまだまだ力はありますがどちらの地域も幅広い層からボリュームを集めることはできません。ボリュームが限られているから人時生産性の高いモデルを使ってコストを下げるしかないのです。
Today in the world, the Sankosha style of shirt finishing equipment is world standard such as Single Buck and Double Buck. We have still 3 pieces finishing equipment by YAC, it is called Fuji style in Japan. In about 20 years ago in USA, we had Prosperity, Ajax, Unipress, Hoffman and etc…, they all provided collar cuff press, sleeve press, and body press, it is called 3 pieces model. Japanese Fuji Car actually learned from American technology at the time. Now, why did industry change to Sankosha style? It is really simple answer, because it is better “productivity per person per hour” (later, let me use PPH). If PPH is higher, the labor cost to shirt will get cheaper. For your information, labor cost is the most expensive factor in the factory operation. Some people always ask me about utility cost, but the labor cost is the most effective factor. If you get less cost, you can get more profit!! Unfortunately, the industry situation in Europe and America is tough, and they are still shrinking. In USA, there are high end markets and the power from the markets is still big, this is the only source to make more profit. But they cannot get more volume anymore… Management team of company must consider more PPH solution because volume is already limited.
Fortunately in Japan, we are still having huge volume on the moment, but we are taking same history with America and Europe. Someday, we will face the same situation and getting tough to make more volume with less expensive price. How are you going to meet with the situation? It might be coming the turning point very soon. So let me introduce the difference between Fuji style and Sankosha style in next column. Please look forward to reading next one!!